Operation Safe Driver Week is here. Are you prepared?

Law enforcement will be out in full force during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) Operation Safe Driver Week July 9-15th.

The purpose of Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week is an annual driver safety traffic enforcement and awareness campaign. The week aims to identify unsafe drivers, deter dangerous driving behaviors, and prompt positive driving habits through driver interactions with officers.

This week, law enforcement will focus on speeding, as it continues to be a persistent problem.

Speeding has been a factor in more than a quarter of crash deaths since 2008.

Officers will also be watching for drivers engaging in risky behavior including distracted driving, improper lane changes/passing/turns, using handheld devices while driving, failing to wear a seat belt, and driving under the influence. Unsafe drivers will receive a citation or warning if identified by law enforcement.

Everyday safety tips

Here are some safe driving tips to think about during Operation Safe Driver Week and every day:

  • Make sure you are well-rested before driving. When you are not rested, you’re more likely to have poor speed control and impaired judgment.

  • No handheld devices while driving. Keep your eyes on the road and pay attention to the speed limit.

  • Watch your speed! Adjust your driving as weather, light, and roadway conditions change. If you’re running late, don’t try to make up time - arrive at your destination with as little risk as possible.

  • Inspect your vehicle for safety before you drive. Check brakes, lights, oil, and tires. Additionally, make sure your registration, insurance, and DOT inspection are up-to-date!

Stay safe!

In our current freight market, drivers are pushing themselves harder than normal. Please remember that driver safety is the most important priority when driving.

For more information check out the official CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week guide.


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