Unlocking the Future with Machine Learning

In today's rapidly evolving market, accurate price prediction is crucial for businesses and consumers. The demand and supply of logistics equipment can significantly impact the overall cost of the supply chain, as we have witnessed during the second half of the pandemic. We still seek answers to important questions, such as:

  • What is the optimal price point for leasing a trailer?

  • How can we maximize profit and asset utilization?

  • How do we ensure that logistics equipment is in the right place at the right time to overcome supply chain bottlenecks?

These complex problems require innovative solutions, as traditional optimization techniques have proven to be inefficient. It gives me great pleasure to share the journey behind REPOWR Pricing, our new product feature that leverages the power of machine learning (ML) to forecast pricing and meet the demand for logistics capacity. REPOWR Pricing utilizes various engineering principles, in addition to ML models, to build confidence and provide accurate price predictions.


We understand that clean data is crucial for producing the best results. Therefore, we collect data from various sources, cleanse it, remove outliers, and correlate it with various transactions before feeding it into the model. This ensures faster response times and improved accuracy in the output.

The Machine Learning Workbench:

Logistics optimization has traditionally relied on deterministic and rule-based modeling, often falling short in accounting for dynamic market conditions and consumer feedback. By introducing machine learning to logistics use cases, we can uncover hidden patterns and trends from real data, driving informed decision-making. Our pricing engine incorporates multiple modeling techniques at different stages of data maturity to achieve the best possible outcomes. It also enables continuous learning and improvement of the ML engine.

Dashboard and Scenario Analysis:

The outputs from the ML workbench are made available to our business teams, providing them with confidence in the predictions and patterns. We have built dashboards that run simulations and scenarios to validate the output, ensuring trust as the model evolves with the maturity of the data.

End-User Experience:

Finally, the user interface is designed to hide the complexities mentioned above from the end user. We aim to provide an intuitive experience where users can confidently choose the suggested price.This is just the beginning, as we stand at the dawn of a new era in price and logistics capacity prediction. The power of machine learning is harnessed to unlock unparalleled accuracy and foresight. Our new product feature represents a significant leap forward, empowering businesses and individuals to navigate pricing and logistics complexities with confidence. Embrace this cutting-edge technology and embark on a journey where data-driven predictions redefine your understanding of pricing dynamics and logistics planning. The future holds even more exciting advancements.

-Shubhendu Shrivastava, VP of Engineering, REPOWR-


Operation Safe Driver Week is here. Are you prepared?


Optimize trailer management with real-time REPOWR Pricing